Hello. I'm David Thrasher and I created this site to introduce you to the creative things I do, how I got there, obstacles I encountered and how I dealt with them, and to give you some idea of how far I've come in each of these disciplines.
The site is broken up into “studios” and are in the order in which I started doing these activities. Use the menu to go to each one.
The Studios
Art Studio – An account of my visual art activities (drawing, painting, printmaking, etc.) Media Studio – My media projects which span records, motion pictures, and television Graphic Design Studio – My experiences in designing for print, which includes promotional materials and books. Couture Studio– My newest endeavor, made-to-order women's fashion, something I'm just beginning to explore.
About the name of the site:
You might wonder why this is called “Daav Studios”. It's simply a version of a nickname which got started when my friend, Gene Hamilton, would sign his emails "Geen", So I naturally found a strange spelling for my own name.
Contacting Me
After looking at the studios and the examples of what I've done, you may want to commission a piece of art (drawing, painting, portrait, landscape, etc.), an animated logo or title sequence, a book design, or a dress, or something else that might be included in these disciplines (or even an employment opportunity). Or you may simply want to write. If you do, please feel free to contact me using "dave@" before this domain "daavstudios.com" in the "To:" field of your email program.